Friday, September 5, 2008

Academic Blogging

Before I begin blogging, I’d like to explain the unintentionally arrogant sound of my blog title. It was meant to reference the 70s Woody Allen film... just wanted to clear that up since first impressions are everything, and I'd hate to make a bad first impression...

As I was setting up my blog, I wondered how relevant or irrelevant it could become. As everyone knows, anything that is posted onto the internet immediately becomes fair game for scrutiny, praise, censorship, or admiration. Anything posted in a blog could become terribly significant for someone. On the other hand, with the millions and millions of internet users and bloggers worldwide, it could just as easily become completely irrelevant, insignificant and forgotten; the same old ideas and information being doled out.

While I’m not hoping, not even expecting, to become a figure of sorts with revolutionary innovations about media (because after all, isn’t everything now pastiche?), I’m excited to add my views on certain media topics out there into cyberspace, along with the rest of our class and the rest of the world. Who knows where they’ll end up?

1 comment:

jmetni01 said...

Nothing is 'pastiche'; just inspiration for more creation.

But good post =] and nice title.